CoolPeel Laser Treatment in Kennesaw, GA


At Spa La Paz board-certified Angel Paas, MD and the experienced aesthetic team offer CoolPeel Laser treatment at our Med Spa in Kennesaw, GA. Call (470) 308-3793 or schedule your appointment online today!

What Is a CoolPeel?

CoolPeel is a brand-new way to safely and comfortably deliver the benefits of a traditional CO2 resurfacing treatment. By targeting just the superficial layer of skin tissue, damaged skin is removed revealing younger and healthier-looking skin.

What Makes CoolPeel Different?

CO2 lasers are the gold standard in treating wrinkles, age spots, acne scars and other blemishes as well as tighten skin and balanced tone. Damaged skin tissue is removed, or ablated, stimulating new collagen production as heat energy is delivered to tighten the skin. Depending on the depth of the treatment, CO2 treatments can be accompanied by considerable downtime while damaged skin heals.
Many advances have been made to improve the side effects of CO2 treatments, but only the CoolPeel can deliver a fully ablative treatment without the downtime. There is minimal risk of hyperpigmentation, demarcation or induced infection.

How Does CoolPeel Work?

A CoolPeel laser treatment can only be done using the TetraCO2 laser. Only the Tetra has the precision and control to deliver energy at the right depth and speed for superficial skin resurfacing results without the lingering heat that would traditionally damage the surrounding skin. This lack of unnecessary heat is here it gets its name and why you get an immediate aesthetic effect with minimal downtime.

Before & After:

Smartxide Tetra after 1 treatment.

SmartXide Tetra before and after.

SmartXide Tetra results courtesy of Juva Skin & Laser Center.

SmartXide Tetra Results courtesy of: Integrated Dermatology of Cronton.

Smartxide Tetra Results courtesy of: Dr. Giovanni Cannarozzo.

How Long Does a CoolPeel Take?

A full-face Cool-Peel laser peel can take anywhere from 5-15 minutes. Areas like the decollete and hands may take less time.

Is Anesthesia or Numbing Required?

While there is no need for anesthesia or localized numbing, we may use cold air or numbing cream for additional comfort.

What Is My Recovery Time?

One of the main benefits of a CoolPeel is that there is minimal downtime. You should expect to be a little red, as if you have a sunburn, for a day or two, but nothing should prevent you from returning to our normal daily activities. Your skin may feel dry and scaly as it heals so it is important to keep the skin hydrated.

When Can I Return To My Skincare Routine?

After your CoolPeel treatment, it is important to keep your skin hydrated and there may be certain products you should avoid. We can discuss with you the best post-treatment care and when you can return to your daily skincare regimen.

Who Is a Candidate For CoolPeel?

You are a good candidate for CoolPeel laser treatment if you are looking to reduce the appearance of fine lines and sun damage, minimize pores and improve skin texture. Your skin will look healthier and younger, whether you treat your face, decollete, or hands.

Schedule a CoolPeel Appointment in Kennesaw, GA Today!

Transform your skin with the rejuvenating power of a CoolPeel treatment. Call Spa La Paz in Kennesaw, GA at (470) 308-3793 to set up a complimentary consultation.

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